INUG (IGeLU INternational User Groups)

  • IGeLU har ett nära samarbete med nationella och regionala användargrupper i syfte att utbyta kunskap, kompetens och erfarenheter. Möten mellan företrädare för de olika nationella användargrupperna, IGeLU:s styrelse, PWG-samordnare, representanter från ELUNAs styrelse och Ex Libris ledning äger rum varje år vid den årliga konferensen IGeLU. Dessa möten kallas INUG.
  • ELUGswes styrelse skickar varje år in en rapport inför INUG-mötena där föreningens aktiviteter under det senaste året beskrivs och där särskilda frågor och farhågor kan lyftas fram.
  • Äldre rapporter finns på IGELU National & Regional User Groups.
INUG 2023
Annual Report
from ELUGswe, the Swedish Ex Libris user group,
for the 2022 INUG meeting in Cardiff

The Swedish Aleph User Group (Alephswe) was established in 1999 and was expanded in to a user group for all Ex Libris products in Sweden in 2011 (ELUGswe).

The main tasks of ELUGswe are:

  • To provide a forum for the exchange of practical experiences and information about local developments of common interest.
  • To coordinate the activities of Swedish libraries using Ex Libris products and maintain a list of development requests.
  • To provide a common point of contact for Ex Libris.
  • To keep in touch with IGeLU and other user groups.
Steering committee:

Jonas Barck, Linnaeus University Library, chair
Johanna Säll, Karolinska Institutet University Library, treasurer
Piia Berg, Mälardalen University Library, secretary
Petra Gustafsson, Dalarna University Library, vice chair

Since 2015 ELUGswe have only one meeting a year, the annual association meeting which is held in spring. If needed, an additional web meeting is held sometime during the autumn.

You can reach ELUGswe at our website:

We also have a discussion list (e-mail).

Activities 2023:
  • The annual association virtual meeting held 27 th of April 2023.
  • An additional web meeting to be held in the autumn of 2023.

Annual meeting 27 th of April 2023

At the annual meeting there were presentations made by both Ex Libris and customers, as well as discussions about different topics.

A selection from the agenda:

  • Exchange of experience regarding procurement (discussion)
  • Experiences with Koha and Primo
  • Experiences with Leganto
  • Experiences with Rialto
  • Information from ExLibris, Part of Clarivate
  • Alma Digital (demo by Ex Libris)
  • Analytics – good examples by Ex Libris

Other activities

On 7th of November 2022 an additional web meeting was held. The subject of the meeting was report/feedback from INUG and IGeLU. At the meeting we also talked about the export of e-resources from Alma to Libris. We also talked about the Network Zone – The Bibsam package, collaboration around this within Sweden. Another subject was “Mobile App – how did it go?” with Mälardalen University Library. Alma new interface was presented by Maud Arnaud, Senior Solutions Expert, PreSales EMEA ExLibris. KnowledgeBases in a future perspective was presented by Osnat Vilenchik, VP Content Operations, ExLibris. And a presentation of Rialto by Linnaeus University Library.

Issue that we want to address…

We have nothing to address from the Swedish Ex Libris user group.

Best wishes for the Leuven meeting!

On behalf of the ELUGswe user group
Jonas Barck, Chair

Members 2023:

There are 27 member libraries in ELUGswe.
Libraries :
Anna Lindh Library
Blekinge Institute of Technology
Borås University Library
Dalarna University Library
Gothenburg University Library
Halmstad University Library
Jönköping University Library
Karolinska Institutet University Library
Library of the Government Offices of Sweden
Library of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH Library)
Library of the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV)
Library of the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
Library of the Swedish Parliament
Linnaeus University Library
Mälardalens University Library
National Library of Sweden
Nordic Africa Institute Library
Stockholm School of Economics Library
Stockholm University Library
Swedish Agricultural University Library
Swedish Film Institute Library
Swedish National Agency for Education
Swedish national heritage board Library
Södertörn University Library
Umeå University Library
Uppsala University Library
Örebro University Library