Dokumentation om SwePub
Umeå UB avaktiverade i september 2015 SwePub i deras Primo, med tanke på de problem bl.a. dubletterna skapade. SwePub har dock återaktiverats i februari 2016.
Ambitionen är nu att få Ex Libris att dela upp SwePub efter publikationstyper. SwePubarticles, SwePubThesis, SwePubbooks etc. Det skulle innebära att det är möjligt att bara aktivera SwePubartiklar, som utgår minst 80% av SwePub och skulle grupperas/FRBR-iseras i Primo Central, och övriga resurser skulle vara möjliga att dra in i Primo som egen pipe och därmed även vara möjliga att deublettkontrollera mot Aleph-pipen.
Umeå UB har ett liggande ärende 00148476 i Salesforce ang. resurstyp Report/Rapport.
ExLibris Primo Central bekräftade 5 april i case 00210523 att SwePub uppdateras varje vecka:
“Yes, we harvest and run the full SwePub data set on a weekly basis (except for weeks with maintenance/server issues on our side).
Between January and the beginning of February there were some issues with the downloader so updates didn’t run properly. The issue was handled on February and updates are currently running on a weekly basis.”
I case 00071719 meddelas 11 april ang. samgåendet med Summon:
“…we plan to add and change to more granular resources types. Since we are in a process to unify the content feeds between Primo Central and Summon and Summon has more granular resource types we will adopt those for Primo Central. This is a long process since it requires re-indexing of the entire index and we can only switch over to the new resource types when critical mass is reached. We cannot single out one resource type to change one collection at this point. The entire process will not be concluded before the end of the year.”